Recently a 22 years old girl suffering from RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) contacted me from Kerala. she was suffering for the last 2 years and had seen many doctors of allopath and Ayurveda.
When she contacted me, she was suffering from the following:
Pain in hand and leg joints ,pain in finger tips and toes ,knee joint ,wrists, persisting pain , swelling in hands and legs , becoming fat, bulging stomach , lack of appetite, general sense of weakness all the time, lethargy , limited movement , difficulty in normal day to day life activities such as writing , holding a glass of water etc etc ,general sense of being too tired even after a small engagement in something, itching in legs , urinary organ itching ,irregular periods ,mental stress ,tension and anxiety etc
It was a big challenge for me to cure a RA patient 1315 kms away without seeing her, but then what is life without challenges. Her parents were also skeptical about the alternative treatment. So they also needed some counseling. Many a times i feel little sad that after treating patients successfully in 4 continents(North America, Europe, Africa and Asia) and treating VVIPs like family members of the Chief of Army of India, High Court Judge, Many GMs and DGMs of big PSUs and many doctors and engineers.... people are still skeptical about these herbal remedies.
Finally i started her treatment and based on her detailed description i advised her the medicines and waited for some time with fingers crossed.
The first positive mail came just 3 days after she started the medicines. the mouth ulcers had completely gone in just 3 days after starting the medicines. Then gradually her itching got reduced and her appetite improved. There was slight improvement in the reduction of pain too.
With this improvement she got the courage to look for a job and after declining 11 job offers due to her health, she has finally decided to take up this 12th offer.
I had advised her to take these medicines regularly for at least 3 months to see some improvement but she got this results in just 20 days. I have advised her to continue these medicines till her RA is completely gone.
RA is said to be incurable in allopathy, but If the patient has the will power and he takes the herbal medicines under the guidance of some good doctor of alternative medicines then it can be cured completely.
The first positive mail came just 3 days after she started the medicines. the mouth ulcers had completely gone in just 3 days after starting the medicines. Then gradually her itching got reduced and her appetite improved. There was slight improvement in the reduction of pain too.
With this improvement she got the courage to look for a job and after declining 11 job offers due to her health, she has finally decided to take up this 12th offer.
I had advised her to take these medicines regularly for at least 3 months to see some improvement but she got this results in just 20 days. I have advised her to continue these medicines till her RA is completely gone.
RA is said to be incurable in allopathy, but If the patient has the will power and he takes the herbal medicines under the guidance of some good doctor of alternative medicines then it can be cured completely.