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Beware of half baked truths.

Disease / Disorder X is incurable. - Wrong Statement

Disease / Disorder X is incurable in XYZ system of medicine - Correct Statement

About Me

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Hyderabad, AP, India
I am a practitioner of herbal medicines. Our herbal medicines are very very effective in Cancer, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, spondylitis, sciatica, Type1 and Type2 Diabetes, Asthma, psoriasis, Eczema, Blood Pressure, Auto immune diseases, sinus, Baldness, immunity problems and hormonal imbalance. People across the globe (Europe, North America, Asia Australia and Africa) have been benefited by our treatment. Many VIPs have been benefited by our medicines and more than 95% people have reported positive results in very sort span of time. Our patient list include family members of Ex chief of Army of India, Senior officers of Indian Armed forces and their family, family members of High Court Judge, family members of DIG of Police, DC, many high profile bureaucrats and senior most doctors of some of the most reputed hospitals of India and their family members. For any query drop me a mail at

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Diabetes Q & A from my old blog

Name: "Gals"
This looks like generic information about diabetes... Additional info like how electro homeo can create magical effects in such ubiquitous disease?

Name: drherb

Thanks for your interest in electro homeo medicines. Depending on the type of diabetes that the patient have, electro homeo herbs will repair the pancreas so that it will again start the optimum level of insuline production and it will also repair the cells so that the receptors will re open and through these receptors the cells can take glucose from the body. in this way, the body will take the blood glucose from the blood and convert it into energy. and as a side effect of these medicines u may feel younger.

Name: "abc"

side effects???

Name: drherb
Home Page:

the electro homeo medicines are totaly derived from the vegitable kingdom. it is totaly herbal based. it does its assigned task (heal the organ) and comes out of the extractory system. it doesn't leave any residue in the body to harm other organs.

I have used the term side effect in one of my comments in a positive way. Actually electro homeo works on the principal of purification of blood and lymph. So while healing that particular organ your blood and lymph will additionaly be purified, which will result in a better digestive and extractory system. it will also result in a better blood flow. Your cells will be able to absorb more blood glucose, means your cells can produce more energy, which will result in a more energetic you, which simply translate into a younger you.

Name: "rajan"

does diabetes affect one's sexual life?

Name: drherb
Home Page:

well.. if your cells are not able to use the blood glucose then how it will convert it into energy? if you dont get enough energy then you can easily guess whats going to happen to your sex life...

Name: "rks"

do i have to quite allopathic medicines to start these herbal medicines? is there any diet control like not eating onion or garlic?

Name: drherb
Home Page:

i don't prefer asking you to quite the allopathic drug the very moment you come to us. we ask you to continue with the medicines and food controls which you are already taking and take these herbal solutions along with them. within a month you will be able to notice visible changes in yourself. and after that you can reduce the allopathic medicines for diabetes.


for how long do i have to take these herbal medicenes?

Name: drherb
Home Page:

It all depends on your diabetic history. Let me be very frank, the diesease that people have for last 10 15 years cand be cured by a single dose of medicine. It will take time to repair your pancreas and your cell receptors. you will be able to see visible changes in your body within a month, but depending on your diabetic history, you may have to continue it for a year.

Name: "rks"

I have seen diabetes starting as type 2 and then getting converted into type 1. what is the cause for this?

Name: drherb
Home Page:

well the reason is obvious. Diabetes in general starts with type 2 because of the blockages of the receptors. Once high blood sugar is detected, lots of food restriction is imposed on that person but little attention is paid to remove those blockages of the cells.

now if the cell doesn't receive enough glucose, from where it will get the energy. and without energy, how long will the cells survive? The cells will keep on decaying and ultimatly most of the organs will deteroriate. The Pancreas too will deteroriate. Which will amount to less insuline production and hence Type 1 diabetes.


i have a family history of diabetes. doctors say that i am at high risk of being diabetic. what precaution should i take?

Name: drherb
Home Page:

excercise regularly to remove toxins from your body. you can also use some electro homeo medicines as precautionary measures.


is it very costly treatment?

Name: drherb
Home Page:

well we firmly believe that any treatment is successful only if both you and your servent can afford it.

In simple words. its affordable by almost everyone.

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