After the corona pandemic, a lot many cases has been reported in the media regarding young people dying of heart attacks. This has made many people anxious. Many of my patients regularly ask me this question. They are all confused. The bits and pieces of information they get from various sources including the social media, main stream media,the doctors and friends are confusing them more compared to clarifying their doubt. Many are also blaming the corona vaccination for this.
So lets today dig into this and try to find out what is the reason behind all this.
Before answering this question we need to know how our body works. If you understand this, than you shall be able to answer this question on your own.
Our body needs energy to do work. It needs different kind of nutrients to keep the body healthy. For this purpose, we have different organs in our body. Whenever our body needs energy, the cells send signals to the brain and the brain send signal to the liver. The liver gives glucose instantly in the blood stream and it is then transferred to the cells who need them. Now the cells will absorb this glucose and with the help of oxygen, they will do the oxidation of the glucose and convert it into glucose.
Now how this glucose reaches the cells? Its again through the blood stream. Our lungs provide oxygen to the bloodstream and removes the CO2 from the body which is a bi product of the oxidation reaction. Now this bloodstream is being pumped by the heart so that it reaches different parts of our body and all this transfer of different things can happen.
This is the basic science how things happen in our body and how it normally works. And this is what most of the people know.
They miss one point which in not being thought everywhere or may be neglected by most of us. How do the transfer takes place from the blood stream to the cells? Yessss. we are talking of the interstitial fluid.You can read more about this here.
Now if this interstitial fluid is not clean, the cells will not be able to get the nutrition and will keep on sending SOS signal to the brain that i am starving and in turn it will keep on signalling the liver to put more glucose in the bloodstream and the heart will keep it pumping hard so that it reaches the desired location. Due to our sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits, we are blocking the pathways inside our body. the bloodstream is getting congested. But the heart being our bravest general keeps it pumping so that the nutrition must reach every cells of our body. But this extra workload on our heart for a very long period of time will weaken it. and its performance will go down. And sometimes there are chances of a breakdown........
Now what has happened during corona???
Corona has affected the lungs of almost all of us. The degree of damage may vary from person to person. This means our ability to take oxygen and remove CO2 has been affected. Now the RBCs are queued up to carry oxygen from the lungs to the different cells which need them. This again is putting burden on the heart to make it reach at earliest to the cell needing it.
Now imagine what will happen if this person suddenly becomes hyper active? He/She will need more oxygen and glucose instantly and if our lungs which were weakened by Corona and the bloodstream congested due to sedentary lifestyle, He/ She may collapse.
I have seen many people blaming the vaccine or many others who are trying giving wrong arguments to counter it and making a mess of the whole issue.
I hope i have clarified this, If you have any doubts you can put it in the comment box or email me.
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